3 3

Hommes Forts

  • Regular rates starting from

    Gratuit, entrée libre

  • Duration


  • Audience

    Pour tous

  • Location

    Hall d’exposition présenté par Desjardins

La TOHU presents the strong men of the Jacob-William Fondation. Boxers, powerful men with exceptional prowess, wrestlers - and even female wrestlers! - have been part of the circus world since its beginnings. These athletes, examples of a masculinity defined by its raw strength, remain artists of the arena and the spectacular.

Techniques: painting (oils, watercolors), prints, posters.

In the Exhibition Hall presented by Desjardins from March 19 to June 2.


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Ludotheque TOHU parc

21 JUN to 8 SEP

  • Free activities


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  • Free activities


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16 AUG to 25 AUG

  • Shows



2345, rue Jarry Est,
Montréal (Québec) H1Z 4P3