Kaboum Kaboum


  • Regular rates starting from

    Standard rate $20

  • Duration

    60 min

  • Audience

    For all

  • Location

    École nationale de cirque

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Subscriptions, groups and other rates available at the time of purchase

Presentations by the Students of the Circus and High School and Preparatory Programs of the National Circus School

KABOOM showcases the end-of-year presentations of students from the Circus and High School and Preparatory programs. Composed of two creations, this educational exercise emphasizes collective work and offers the opportunity for the next generation of circus artists to develop their presence on stage and their relationship with the public. Directed by experienced directors, students have the opportunity to work on original and colorful numbers that allow them to show their mastery of their discipline.


Natacha Filiatrault

The momentum, the fall, that moment when we lose our footing. 
Is it a curse, an opportunity or simply a manifestation of our humanity? Falling can take on many meanings.
For them, the fall represents only a passage in time. 
For him, this moment of imbalance could become the most beautiful story of his life.


Flottant sur les épaules des géants
Robert Cookson

A breath, a sum of all past and future moments. An instant, captured long enough to be observed. A reflection. We see it all - the hopes of the past, the changes of the future, but above all the enigma of the present. A breath, repeated a hundred million times, that has led you to float on the shoulders of giants, wondering how you got there and where you'll go next.

About the National Circus School

For more than 40 years, the National Circus School (NCS) has been training and developing the next generation of circus artists from Quebec and around the world. Renowned worldwide, the NCS is also dedicated to research and innovation in the field of circus arts, in addition to ensuring the conservation and enhancement of heritage, history and living memory of this age-old art. The National Circus School welcomes more than 150 students each year, representing approximately 25 nationalities. Over the past four decades, the NCS has trained more than eight hundred circus artists and teachers. Today, it is proud to have contributed to the birth of renowned companies, such as Cirque du Soleil, Cirque Éloize, The 7 Fingers and Cirque Alphonse.

Photo: Caroline Thibault

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2345, rue Jarry Est,
Montréal (Québec) H1Z 4P3